Helicopter Management

The term “Helicopter Management” encompasses all of the operations that enable our customers to fly with the necessary licenses and in accordance with safety requirements.

The services we provide are classified as:

  • Consultancy – We offer professional consultancy services based on customers’ needs and the type of operation, including selecting the appropriate helicopter type.
  • Delivery assistance and hangarage – A comprehensive service, starting with the purchase of the helicopter, with competent staff on hand to inspect the helicopter and oversee documentation and contracts. We also offer customised solutions to anyone looking for a place to hangar their own helicopter, including at our Lodrino facility.
  • Technical surveillance and maintenance – Organisation of repair and overhaul services, certified in accordance with EASA Part 145.
  • Crew leasing service – We provide pilots, engineers and ground staff for any type of helicopter and any kind of mission.
  • Initial and continuous training of customers’ crew – Karen SA supports its customers in recruiting and training personnel, including pilots and technical and ground staff, to ensure continuity and autonomy of operations.
  • Dispatching – Ground staff will be provided to support the organisation and assist in flight planning. Alternatively, we offer ground staff training.
  • Reporting – Customised reports are provided to ensure the clear control of the operation in all phases of the project.